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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2011;18(4): 480
아로마 손마사지가 입원노인의 스트레스 반응과 수면에 미치는 효과
이지은1, 이영휘2, 김화순3
1인하대학교 병원
2인하대학교 간호학과
3인하대학교 간호학과
Effects of Aroma Hand Massage on the Stress Response and Sleep of Elderly Inpatients
Ji-Eun Lee1, Young-Whee Lee2, Hwa-Soon Kim3
1Inha University Hospital
2Department of Nursing, Inha University
3Department of Nursing, Inha University
Purpose: This study was done to examine the effects of aroma hand massage on stress response and sleep in hospitalized elderly patients.
Methods: A non-equivalent pre-and post-test design was used. Sixty-six hospitalized patients were recruited using a convenience sampling method and assigned to the experimental (n=34) or the control group (n=32). For the experiment, bergamot, lavender, and roman camomile oil were mixed in 2:1:1 ratio to provide aroma hand massage to both hands of each patient in the experimental group for 5 minutes per hand, for 3 days. Post-test data collection was conducted three days after completion of the hand massage.
Results: The experimental group had significantly lower stress score (t=-2.648, p=.010, and anxiety scores (t=-4.166, p=.000), and higher sleep measurement scores (t=2.328, p=.023) than those in the control group.
Conclusion: These results indicate that short-term application of aroma hand massage for hospitalized elderly patients has a positive effect on hospitalization stress, anxiety, and sleep. Therefore, aroma hand massage should be applied as a nursing intervention to reduce stress response and enhance sleep in elderly hospitalized patients.
Key words: Aromatherapy | Aged | Inpatients | Stress | Sleep
주요어: 아로마요법 | 입원노인 | 스트레스 반응 | 수면