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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2011;18(2): 226
일개 신설 대학교 병원 중환자실 신규 간호사의 적응 경험
박형숙1, 김경남2, 강은희3, 이전마4, 박순미5
1부산대학교 간호대학
2양산 부산대학교 병원 1 중환자실
3부산대학교 간호대학
4양산 부산대학교 병원 간호부
5양산 부산대학교 병원 간호팀
Lived Adaptation Experiences of New ICU Nurses Who are Working in a Newly Established University Hospital
Hyoung-Sook Park1, Kyoung-Nam Kim2, Eun-Hee Kang3, Jeon-Ma Lee4, Soon-Mi Park5
1College of Nursing, Pusan National University
21 ICU Nurse, Pusan National University of Yansan Hospital
3College of Nursing, Pusan National University
4Department of nursing, Pusan National University of Yansan Hospital
5Team of Nursing, Pusan National University of Yansan Hospital
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the meaning of the adaptation experiences of new ICU nurses who were working in a newly established university hospital. The study was based on phenomenological research methodology.
Method: Data were collected over 3 months through in depth interview with 6 new nurses who had worked less than 1 year in a newly established ICU of university hospital of less than 1 year located in Y city. The Colaizzi analysis method was used for data analysis.
Results: The themes were classified into 13 themes clusters. The 13 themes clusters were finally grouped into 6 categories, 'The endlessness of a new beginning', 'Pressure of work due to lack of senior nurses', 'Wanting to quit', 'Attachment for the complete hospital and ICU', 'Preciousness of colleagues', 'Pride in self-growth'.
Conclusion: New ICU nurses have a difficult time due to pressures of work and lack of expert knowledge, and anxiety adds to these problems making the situation more difficult. The study results indicate that professional knowledge and skills learned through repetition of difficult work, pride through self growth, recognition from others and good-fellowship are driving forces to overcome obstacles and with stand difficult daily work.
Key words: Nurses | Intensive Care Units | Adaptation | Qualitative Research
주요어: 간호사 | 중환자실 | 적응 | 질적 연구
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A Study on the Handwashing of NICU nurses in a University Hospital  1997 January;4(2)