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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2008;15(2): 195
노인의 약물 사용 실태 조사
충주대학교 간호학과
Drug Use in the Elderly
Mi-Sook Park
Department of Nursing, Chungju National University
Purpose: This study was conducted to identify drug use by elders.
Method: There were 304 participants age 65 or older included in this study. Data were collected using a questionnaire about drug use in the past 4 weeks. The questionnaire, a modification of Uhm's (2005), Lee's (2001), and Ellor and Kurz's (1982) tools, consisted of 17 questions on general and health characteristics, 17 on drug usage and 9 on behaviors related to drug misuse.
Results: 85.5% of participants reported laking at least one type of prescription or non-prescription drug. 26.0% of participants reported taking only prescription drugs, 3.9% reported taking only non-prescription drugs, and 55.6% reported taking both prescription and non-prescription drugs. 17.1% of participants reported side effects from the drugs. The mean score for behaviors related to drug misuse was 7.53. Elders taking only non-prescription drugs showed more drug misuse than elders taking only prescription drugs or both. Women used more prescription, non-prescription drugs or both than man. Elders in rural areas used more non-prescription drugs than those in urban areas.
Conclusion: Even though pharmacies were separated from medical practices in 2000, most older adults continue to use and misuse prescription and non-prescription drugs.
Key words: Aged | Prescription drug | Drugs non-proscription
주요어: 노인 | 약물 | 약물오용
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Determinants of Health-Promoting Behavior in the Elderly  1997 January;4(2)