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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2006;13(3): 485
여대생의 신체만족도와 체중조절
정승교1, 민소영2
1세명대학교 간호학과
2세명대학교 간호학과
Body Satisfaction and Weight Loss in Women College Students
Seung-Kyo Chaung1, So-Young Min2
1Department of Nursing, Semyung University
2Department of Nursing, Semyung University
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify body satisfaction and weight loss experience according to individual's discrepancy between obesity by BMI (body mass index) and self-assessment.
Method: The data were obtained by measuring height, weight and using a questionnaire to obtain data on self-assessment of obesity, body satisfaction and weight loss experience. The participants were 286 women college students in J city, Chungbuk.
Results: The mean BMI of the women college student was $21.4{pm}2.93kg/m^2$ which is within the normal range. The concordance rates between obesity by BMI and self-assessment were 54.1%, 39.9%, 61.5%, 78.6% (Kappa=.29) in underweight, normal, overweight, obese students respectively. Forty seven percent of students who were not obese (BMI $<23kg/m^2$) assessed themselves as obese. The mean body satisfaction of college students was very low and 64.3% of the students had a weight loss experience. The students who perceived themselves to be 'obese' even when their BMI was under $23kg/m^2$ reported lower body satisfaction and higher weight loss experience than other students.
Conclusion: There were significant discrepancies between obesity by BMI and self-assessment in women college students. The self-assessment of obesity had a greater effect on body satisfaction and weight loss experience than actual BMI in women college students.
Key words: Obesity | Body mass index | Self assessment | Weight loss
주요어: 비만 | 체질량지수 | 자가평가 | 신체만족도 | 체중조절