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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2006;13(3): 447
협심증 환자의 증상경험과 관련요인에 관한 연구
우수희1, 엄애용2, 오의금3
1연세대학교 간호대학
2서울대학교 간호과학연구소
3연세대학교 간호대학
Symptom Experience and Related Factors in Patients with Angina Pectoris
Soo-Hee Woo1, Ae-Yong Eom2, Eui-Geum Oh3
1Department of Nursing, Yonsei University
2Department of the Research Institute of Nursing Science, Seoul National University
3Department of Nursing, Yonsei University
Purpose: This study was done to examine symptom experiences and related factors in angina patients.
Method: The participants were 92 patients admitted to C university hospital between October and December 2004. The tools used were a questionnaire on symptom experience related to angina developed by Gensini(Coronary Angiographic Gensini Score). Global Assessment of Recent Stress Scale and a tool measuring performance of health behavior.
Results: The mean score for symptom experience was relatively low (M=27.65, SD=18.44) as was the score for coronary severity (Gensini score) was 16.30 point (SD=18.04). The mean score for perceived stress was moderate (M=30.16, SD=12.26). Compliance was relatively good in these patients with angina (M=61.55, SD=7.60). Analysis of the correlation of symptom experience showed a statistically significant positive relationship with perceived stress (r=.410, p=.000). There was significant negative relationship (r=-.251, p=.016) between symptom experience and compliance. In the regression analysis, symptom experience was found to be significantly influenced by stress ($R^2$=.168, p=.000), age ($R^2$=.057, p=.002), and economic status ($R^2$=.061, p=.007). These variables explained 26.2% of the variance in symptom experience.
Conclusion: The results of this study provide evidence that symptoms of angina can present not only as chest pain itself but also with fatigue, shortness of breath, and sleep disturbance as the most common symptoms.
Key words: Angina pectoris | Symptom | Experience | Stress | Compliance
주요어: 협심증 | 증상경험 | 스트레스 | 건강행위 이행