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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2006;13(2): 235
휴대전화 문자 메시지를 이용한 당뇨 교육이 당뇨벙환자 혈당에 미치는 효과
김희승1, 박혜자2
1가톨릭대학교 간호대학
2한양대학교 임상간호정보대학원
Effects of a Nurse Short-Message Service via Cellular Phones for People with Diabetes
Hee-Seung Kim1, Hea-Ja Park2
1College of Nursing, The Catholic University
2Han Yang University Graduate School of Clinical Nursing Information
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of a six month web-based diabetic education on plasma glucose in people with diabetes.
Method: A randomized design with control and experimental groups being assessed pre- and post-intervention was used. Seventeen patients were randomly assigned to a control group and 18 to an experimental group. Participants were requested to input the blood glucose level weekly to http://www.biodang.com by cellular phone or wire Internet for 6 months. The researcher sent optimal recommendations to each patient using the short message service (SMS) for cellular phone and wire Internet. Messages were sent weekly for 6 months.
Results: Glycosylated hemoglobin ($HbA_1c$) decreased 1.5 percentage points at 3 months and 1.4 percentage points at 6 months compared with baseline in the intervention group. Patients in the intervention group had a decrease in 2 hours post meal glucose (2HPMG) of 94.3mg/dl at 3 months and 82.5mg/dl at 6 months compared with baseline.
Conclusion: This web-based intervention using SMS for cellular phone improved HbAlc, and 2HPMG for six months in patients with type 2 diabetes.
Key words: Cellular phone | Education | Diabetes | Blood glucose
주요어: 휴대전화 | 당뇨병 | 교육 | 혈당
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