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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 1995;2(1): 55
간호교육과정틀에 관한 소고 -돌봄과학과 보건정책 중심으로-
가톨릭대학교 간호대학
A Reconsidering on Setting for Philosophy and Curriculum Development in Nursing Education
Myung-Ja Kim
College of Nursing Catholic University
The goals of nursing education, and the bases for evaluating them depend on the goals of nursing practice. In order to prepare for the coming twenty first century and the meet changing societal demands and health needs, it is necessary to develop a new conceptual framework for future nursing education. While hospitals will still be in significant components of the health care system, will no longer be central focus or dominant influence. Health care services will be more usually delivered at community base. The nursing education required by that new approach must provide for reconsidered about a concept of caring as nursing curriculum. The changes in health care delivery that have occured, now being proposed, for nursing education undergoing its own changes. So the philosophy and objectives of education meed to reconsidering about the caring concept and general nursing. Nurse educators must prepare students to practic in condition of constant change. At the same time nurse educators must emphasize preparation about that. The practice of science of caring in nursing draws on a basic knowledge of the behavioral knowledge, biophysical processes, pathological processes, nursing skills and procedures and various treatment regimes and problem solving to help decision making in nursing situations. The concept of care is probably one of the least understood ideas used by professional and nonprofessional people, yet it is probably one of the most improtant concepts to be understood by nursing. Human caring and human relationships are closely interrelated. Humn caring remains an essential dimension of professional work and the science of caring as essental to the discipline of nursing. It is expected that the objectives of nursing education will be accomplished when the course and content of the curriculum are based on this conceptual framework. One recurrent education goal with some consistency is that of equipping the student with the necessary skills to live effectively and productivly in the world of tomorrow. In the new vision we are developing, professional education must also include exposure to liberal arts, encouragement of critical thinking, and a moral context for advanced professional education that is based upon a contextual health policy and caring science educational model.
주요어: 간호교육과정 | 돌봄과학 | 보건정책
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A Study on Curriculum Development for Fundamentals of Nursing at the Graduate Level  2005 January;12(2)