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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2003;10(3): 300
임상간호사의 의료보험수가 지식정도
서일대학 간호과
A Study of Knowledge of Medical Insurance Costs by Clinical Nurses
Hea-Shoon Lee
Department of Nursing, Seoil College
Purpose: This study was done to help provide patients with information on medical insurance cost through medical insurance education for nurses, to increase effective management, check on omissions in treatment and appropriateness and accuracy of fees, and to contribute to the economic growth of hospital by providing nurses with necessary knowledge about medical insurance cost.
Method: The participants in this study were clinical nurses in general hospitals. The study instrument was a questionnaire developed by the researcher through reference to data for medical insurance education. The data were analyzed with percentages, means, ANOVA, and Duncan method using SPSS PC+10. Result: The results on knowledge of medical insurance according to general characteristics of the nurses showed that there were significant differences according to age: (p=.0036) highest level of education (p=.0007), position (p=.0010) and place where education on medical insurance was received (p=.0093).
Conclusion: Continuous in-service education for clinical nurses is reflected in increased knowledge about medical insurance costs but special attention needs to be given to younger nurses and nurses with less education, as well as staff nurses, and those nurses who only received education on medical insurance during their schooling. Accordingly, in-service education is necessary for nurses at the time of orientation so that they have knowledge on standards for recuperation allowance, guidelines to calculate material costs, and guidelines to calculate drug rates. In addition, as medical insurance cost frequently change, all nurses need continuous in-service education.
Key words: Medical charge criteria | Medical insurance criteria | medical insurance system
주요어: 진료수가기준 | 요양급여기준 | 의료보험제도