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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2000;7(2): 256
개심술을 받은 환자의 체위에 따른 심박출량 및 불편감에 관한 연구
유미1, 권은옥2, 최윤경3, 강현주4, 오세은5
1서울대학교병원 호흡기계중환자실
2서울대학교병원 호흡기계중환자실
3서울대학교병원 호흡기계중환자실
4서울대학교병원 호흡기계중환자실
5서울대학교병원 호흡기계중환자실
Effects of changing position on cardiac output & on patient's discomforts after cardiac surgery
Mi Yu1, Eun-Ok Kwon2, Yun-Kyoung Choi3, Hyun-Ju Kang4, Se-Eun Oh5
1Seoul National University Hospital Respiratory Intensive Care Unit
2Seoul National University Hospital Respiratory Intensive Care Unit
3Seoul National University Hospital Respiratory Intensive Care Unit
4Seoul National University Hospital Respiratory Intensive Care Unit
5Seoul National University Hospital Respiratory Intensive Care Unit
Invasive hemodynamic monitoring has become a valuable assessment parameters in critical care nursing in patients undergoing open heart surgery patients. During cardiac surgery, the Swan Ganz catheter is placed in the pulmonary artery. Critical care nurses routinely obtain cardiac output, cardiac index, and pulmonary arterial pressure in these patients. Traditionally, patients are positioned flat and supine for cardiac output measurement. Numerous studies have dealt with the effects of changing position on the hemodynamic variables. However, there are a few studies dealing with patients who undergo cardiac surgery in Korea. Thus, the purpose of this study was to determine the effects of changing position on cardiac output, PAP, CVP, BP, HR and discomfort in patients after cardiac surgery. A sample of 21 adults who had CABG and/or valve replacement with Swan Ganz catheters in place was studied. The data were collected in the cardiac ICU of a university hospital in Seoul during the period from July 28, 1999 to August 30. 1999. In this study, the independent variable is patient position in the supine, 30 degree, and 45 degree angles. Dependent variables are C.O., C.I., CVP, PAP, MAP, HR and patients' perceived discomforts. Subject discomfort was measured subjectively by visual analogue scale. Other hemodynamic data where collected by the thermodilution method and by direct measurement. The data were analyzed by percentile, t-test, ANOVA, Linear regression analysis using SPSS-/WIN program. The results are as follows : 1) Changes in cardiac output were absent in different angle positions, 0, 30. 45 degrees(F=.070, P=.932). Changes in cardiac index were absent in different angle positions, 0. 30, 45 degrees(P>.05). 2) Changes in central venous pressure were absent in different angle positions, 0, 30, 45 degree(P>.05). 3) PAP had no change in different angle 0, 30, 45 degree positions; systolic PAP(P>.05), diastolic PAP(P>.05). 4) Changes in systolic blood pressure were absent in different angle positions, 0, 30, 45 degree(P>.05). 5) Changes in heart rates were absent in different angle positions, 0, 30, 45 degree(P>.05). 6) Patients' perceived discomfort was absent in different angle positions, 0, 30, 45 degree(p<.05). In conclusion, critical care nurses can measure C.O., C.I., PAP, BP, & CVP in cardiac surgery patients at 30 degree or 45 degree positions. This can improve the patients' comfort.
Key words: Cardiac surgery | Cardiac output | Position | Discomfort
주요어: 소변채집방법 | 요도구 소독 | 요도구 비소독 | 첫뇨 | 중간뇨 | 오염율