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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 1999;6(2): 240
사무직 근로자에 대한 운동요법과 이완요법이 스트레스 반응으로 카테콜라민과 심박수에 미치는 영향
초당대학교 간호학과
Streets of Relaxation Therapy and Exercise Therapy on Catecholamine and Heart Rate Response for Job Stress of White Color Workers
In-Hong Kim
Department of Nursing Chodang University
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of exercise therapy and relaxation therapy on catecholamine and heart rate in people in white color jobs and to determine this information the effectiveness of applied exercise therapy and relaxation therapy as a nursing intervention method for stress patients. The subjects were divided into an exercise therapy group, a relaxation therapy group, and control group and the research design was a nonequivalent control group pretest-post test design(exercise therapy : n= 12, relaxation therapy : n=12, control group, the group without any treatment in exercise on relaxation therapy : n=12), The subjects in the exercise therapy group were given a particular intensity for each kp during 30min, bicycle ergometer which is using an LX PE training system before & after 4weeks of training. The exercise therapy that was used was Astrard load method which tested absolute exercise load of heart rate before & after four weeks, and resting heart rate was tested for exercise and relaxation therapy before, after four weeks, and at eight weeks. The results of each kp & absolute exercise load were calculated with the target rate formula(maximal heart rate-rest heart rate) x exercise intensity(%) + rest heart rate so the subjects could continue 60-70% exercise intensity for exercise therapy over eight weeks. The relaxation therapy subjects were trained using a modified Jacobson's relaxation technique for eight weeks. The exercise and relaxation therapy were trained at the following intensity for eight weeks(3times/week, 30min/day) to see changes in catecholamine & heart rates. After eight weeks, statistical analysis of exercise & relaxation therapy were carried out Two-way ANOVA and multiple range test(SNK : Student Newman Keul) were used. The results are as follows : 1. The change of epinephrine & norepinephrine in the exercise therapy, relaxation therapy, and control group was statistically significant at the .05 level after four weeks & eight weeks. Also, exercise therapy was statistically significant at .05 level over that of the control group after 4weeks. 2. The change of heart rate in relaxation therapy was statistically significant at the .05 level, and was statistically significant at the .05 level over that of the exercise therapy and control group. In conclusion, it is obvious that exercise therapy and relaxation therapy should be one of the most effective stress treatment and desirable nursing interventions methods for job stress in people in white color jobs.
Key words: Job stress | Exercise therapy | Progressive relaxation therapy | Stress hormone | Heart rate
주요어: 직무스트레스 | 운동요법 | 점진적 근육이완요법 | 스트레스 호르몬 | 심박수
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Effects of Relaxation Therapy and Exercise Therapy on the ACTH and Cortisol Hormone Level in Workers  2001 January;8(3)